►NModes | Namespace for startup modes for simPT tools |
CModeManager | Factory produces functions that start the different modes of the various executables |
CParexClientMode | Mode for executing a parameter exploration client |
CParexNodeMode | Mode for executing a parameter exploration node |
CParexServerMode | Mode for executing a parameter exploration server |
CsimPTCLIMode | For executing the simulator in CLI mode |
CsimPTGUIMode | For executing the simulator in GUI mode |
►NSimPT_Blad | Namespace for components of the Blad model group |
►NCellChemistry | Namespace for cell chemistry components of the Blad model group |
CBlad | CellChemistry for Blad model |
►NCellColor | Namespace for cell coloring components of the Blad model group |
CBlad | Implements chemical dependent cell color for Blad |
►NCellDaughters | Namespace for cell daughters components of the Blad model group |
CBlad | CellDaughters component of Blad model |
►NCellHousekeep | Namespace for cell houskeeping components of the Blad model group |
CBlad | Cell housekeeping for Blad |
►NCellSplit | Namespace for cell houskeeping components of the Blad model group |
CBlad | CellSplit for Blad model |
►NCellToCellTransport | Namespace for cell splitting components of the Blad model group |
CBlad | Cell to cell reaction and transport for Blad model |
CComponentFactory | Component factory for the Blad model group |
►NSimPT_Default | Namespace for components of the Default model group |
►NCellChemistry | Namespace for cell chemistry components of the Default model group |
CAuxinGrowth | Implements AuxinGrowth cell chemistry |
CMeinhardt | Cell chemistry for Meinhardt model |
CNoOp | NoOp (do nothing) cell chemistry |
CPINFlux | Implements PINFlux model for cell chemistry |
CPINFlux2 | Slightly different PINFlux model for cell chemistry |
CSmithPhyllotaxis | Implements cell chemistry of the phyllotaxis model due to Richard Smith et al |
CSource | CellChemistry for Source model |
CTestCoupling | CellChemistry component for the TestCoupling model |
CWortel | CellChemistry for Wortel model |
CWrapperModel | CellChemistry for the Wrapper model |
►NCellColor | Namespace for cell coloring components of the Default model group |
CAuxinPIN1 | Implements Auxin-PIN1 cell color, green for Auxin, red for PIN1 |
CChemBlue | Chemical dependent cell color (blue) |
CChemGreen | Chemical dependent cell color (green) |
CMeinhardt | Meinhardt cell color scheme |
CSimplyRed | Implements simple cell color, red for chemicals 0 and 1 |
CSize | Size-dependent cell color |
CTipGrowth | Implements simple cell color, red for chemicals 0 and 1 |
CWortel | Implements chemical dependent cell color for Wortel |
►NCellDaughters | Namespace for cell daughters components of the Default model group |
CAuxin | Implements Auxin division dynamics |
CBasicPIN | Implements PIN division dynamics |
CNoOp | Implements NoOp (do nothing) division dynamics |
CPerimeter | Implements perimeter closeness division dynamics |
CPIN | Implements PIN division dynamics |
CSmithPhyllotaxis | Implements Smith phyllotaxis division dynamics |
CWortel | Implements root division dynamics |
CWrapperModel | Implements MaizeGRN division dynamics |
►NCellHousekeep | Namespace for cell houskeeping components of the Default model group |
CAuxin | Implements Auxin cell housekeeping |
CAuxinGrowth | Cell housekeeping for auxin dependent growth |
CBasicAuxin | Cell housekeeping for a basic auxin based model |
CGeometric | Geometry based cell housekeeping |
CMeinhardt | Cell housekeeping for the Meinhardt model |
CNoOp | Implements NoOp (do nothing) cell housekeeping |
CSmithPhyllotaxis | Implements Smith phyllotaxis cell housekeeping |
CWortel | Cell housekeeping for Wortel |
CWrapperModel | CellHousekeep for Wrapper model |
►NCellSplit | Namespace for cell houskeeping components of the Default model group |
CAreaThresholdBased | Splitting of cells based on their area passing a predefined threshold |
CAuxinGrowth | Cell splitting for auxin dependent growth |
CGeometric | Geometry based cell splitting |
CNoOp | Implements NoOp (do nothing) cell splitting |
CWortel | Implements Wortel cell splitting |
CWrapperModel | Geometry based cell housekeeping |
►NCellToCellTransport | Namespace for diffusion and transport components of the Default model group |
CAuxinGrowth | Cell to cell transport for AuxinGrowth model |
CBasic | Basic plus source approach to cell2cell transport |
CMeinhardt | Cell to cell transport for Meinhardt model |
CNoOp | NoOp (do nothing) transport scheme |
CPlain | Implements a plain transport scheme |
CSmithPhyllotaxis | Cell to cell passive & active transport of IAA & PIN in the phyllotaxis model of Richard Smith |
CSource | Source based transport scheme |
CTestCoupling | CellToCellTransport component for the TestCoupling model |
CWortel | Cell to cell transport for Wortel model |
CWrapperModel | Cell to cell transport for WrapperModel model |
►NCellToCellTransportBoundary | Namespace for diffusion and transport across argan boundaries of the Default model group |
CTestCoupling_I | CellToCellTransportBoundary component TestCoupling model |
CTestCoupling_II | CellToCellTransportBoundary component for the TestCoupling model |
►NDeltaHamiltonian | Namespace for delta hamiltonian components of the Default model group |
CDHelper | Helper function for writing DeltaHamiltonians |
CElasticWall | ElasticWall DeltaHamiltonian function |
CMaxwell | Maxwell DeltaHamiltonian function |
CModifiedGC | ModifiedGC DeltaHamitonian function |
CPlainGC | PlainGC DeltaHamiltonian function |
►NHamiltonian | Namespace for hamiltonian components of the Default model group |
CElasticWall | ElasticWall Hamiltonian function |
CHHelper | Helper function for writing hamiltonians |
CMaxwell | Maxwell Hamiltonian component |
CModifiedGC | ModifiedGC Hamiltonian function |
CPlainGC | PlainGC Hamiltonian function |
►NMoveGenerator | Namespace for Monte Carlo move generator components of the Default model group |
CDirectedNormal | Move Generator with normal distribution and directional bias |
CDirectedUniform | Move Generator with uniform distribution and directional bias |
CStandardNormal | Move Generator with normal distribution (no directional bias) |
CStandardUniform | Move Generator with uniform distribution (no directional bias) |
►NTimeEvolver | Namespace for time evolver components of the Default model group |
CGrow | Growth and division time evolution algorithm |
CHousekeep | Housekeep time step algorithm |
CHousekeepGrow | HousekeepGrow time step is a composite: Grow then Housekeep |
CTransport | Time evolution of reaction, diffusion and active transport process |
CVLeaf | VLeaf1 algorithm for time evolution |
CVPTissue | Composite time step: ReactionAndTransport, then Grow and then Housekeep |
►NWallChemistry | Namespace for wall chemistry components of the Default model group |
CAuxinGrowth | Implements wall chemistry for the AuxinGrowth model |
CBasic | Basic approach with PINflux to wall chemistry |
CMeinhardt | Meinhardt version of wall chemistry |
CNoOp | NoOp (do nothing) approach to wall chemistry |
CComponentFactory | Component factory for SimPT_Default model group |
►NSimPT_Editor | Namespace for SimPT tissue editor package |
CBackgroundDialog | Dialog for setting the background image |
CCopyAttributesDialog | Dialog for selecting the attributes we want to copy |
CDiamondTile | A diamond shaped tile |
CEditableCellItem | Editable graphical representation for Cell |
CEditableEdgeItem | Editable graphical representation for Edge |
CEditableItem | Interface for an editable graphical representation |
CEditableMesh | An editable mesh with actions to alter the construction of the mesh |
CEditableNodeItem | Editable graphical representation for Node |
CEditControlLogic | Class for the composition of a tissue, containing its properties |
CEditorActions | The actions in the menu bar of the workspace |
CHexagonalTile | A hexagonal tile |
CPolygonUtils | Functions to manipulate polygons |
CPTreePanels | Manages the attribute and geometric ptree panel for a given tissue |
CRectangularTile | A rectangular tile |
CRegularGeneratorDialog | Dialog for generating regular patterns in a cell |
CRegularTiling | Class of a cell tiling with regular polygons |
CSelectByIDWidget | Class for selecting an item by ID |
CSliceItem | Represents a slice of a cell complex |
CTile | Abstract base class for cell pattern tiles |
CTissueEditor | Main GUI class for cell editor |
CTissueGraphicsView | The graphical view on the tissue |
CTissueSlicer | Functionality and visual representation of slicing a cell complex |
CTransformationWidget | Qt GUI to enter a transformation of an item |
CTriangularTile | A triangular tile |
CUndoStack | Undo Stack for actions performed on a tissue |
CVoronoiGeneratorDialog | Dialog for generating patterns in a cell using Voronoi tessellation |
CVoronoiTesselation | Graphics item for Voronoi tesselation of a polygon |
►NSimPT_Parex | Namespace for SimPT parameter explorer package |
CClient | Client for Parameter Exploration |
CClientHandler | Connection from the server to one client, handles client messages and requests |
CClientProtocol | Client side of the protocol |
CConnection | Class managing a TCP stream of messages |
CExploration | Class describing a generic exploration |
CExplorationManager | Collects all explorations and works with WorkerPool to actually execute them |
CExplorationProgress | Class describing the progress state of an exploration |
CExplorationSelection | Dialog for selecting explorations |
CExplorationTask | Contains information about task in an exploration |
CExplorationWizard | Wizard to set up an exploration |
CFileExploration | Class describing a file-based exploration and its simulation tasks |
CFilesPage | Page to allow file selection |
CISweep | An interface class for a parameter sweep |
CListSweep | A sweep over a list of parameters |
CNodeAdvertiser | Class advertising an available node over the network |
CNodeProtocol | Class that implements the node version of the protocol |
CParameterExploration | Class describing a parameter exploration and its simulation tasks |
CParamPage | Set the parameters for the exploration |
CPathPage | Select the sim data input file |
CProtocol | Base class for the XML/ptree protocols between client, server and node |
CRangeSweep | A sweep over a range of numerical parameters |
CSendPage | Give a name for the exploration and send the exploration |
CServer | Server class accepting TCP connections and setting up the server structures |
CServerClientProtocol | ServerClient Protocol to deal with Client-Server communication (Server-side) |
CServerDialog | Dialog for connecting to server |
CServerInfo | Class for storing server info used on client-side |
CServerNodeProtocol | Protocol at the server side to communicate with the node |
CSimResult | A container class for the final result of a simulation |
CSimTask | Contains all information needed for a transmitable simulation task |
CSimulator | Simulator handling requested simulation tasks |
CStartPage | Select type of new exploration |
CStatus | Widget to display status of subscribed exploration |
CTaskOverview | Overview of tasks |
CTemplateFilePage | Select the input template data file |
CWorkerNode | Broadcasts location on the network, then listens to incoming connections |
CWorkerPool | A pool handling the workers that will do the actual work |
CWorkerRepresentative | A worker taken as representative for multiple workers (handles the communication with the node) |
►NSimPT_Shell | Namespace for SimPT shell package |
►NGui | Namespace for SimPT specific graphical interface package |
CAppCustomizer | Provides customization elements for the gui shell |
CPTreeEditor | Stand-alone Property Tree editor |
►NSession | Namespace for SimPT specific session classes |
CISimSession | Interface for handling an opened/running simulation |
CSimSession | Collection of instances associated with an opened/running project |
CSimSessionCoupled | Collection of instances associated with an opened/running coupled project |
CSimWorker | Utility for running simulation in a separate thread |
►NViewer | Namespace for SimPT specific viewer classes |
CRootViewerNode | Viewer node that acts as the root of the tree of viewers |
►NWs | Namespace for SimPT specific workspace classes |
►NUtil | Namespace for SimPT specific workspace utilities |
CCompressor | Compression / decompression actions |
CCliWorkspace | Cli Workspace for the command-line simulator |
CGuiWorkspace | Gui Workspace for the simulator |
CProject | Abstraction of project info on filesystem, as well as a maintainer of a work session |
CStartupFileBase | Base class representing the file types used to initiate a session |
CStartupFileHdf5 | A file containing Sim history information in HDF5 format in a project |
CStartupFilePtree | Base class for files containing a Sim snapshot that can be read as a ptree |
CStartupFileXml | A file containing XML representation of a project |
CStartupFileXmlGz | A file containing a gzip'ed XML representation of a project |
CWorkspace | Abstraction for workspace info in the file system |
CWorkspaceFactory | SimPT-specific implementation of workspace factory |
CArrowItem | Arrow composed and drawn with Qt primitives |
CBitmapFormat | Bitmap graphics converter format specifications |
CBitmapGraphicsExporter | Collection of functions and data concerning PNG export of Sim objects |
CBitmapGraphicsPreferences | Preferences for a graphic viewer |
CCliController | Command line interface application controller |
CCliConverterTask | A CliConverterTask represents an invocation of the converter from the command line |
CCliSimulationTask | A CliTask represents an invocation of the program from the command line |
CCliWorkspaceManager | Workspace manager for cli applications |
►CConversionList | Widget containing the list of steps in conversion and associated functionality |
CEntryType | |
CConverterWindow | Main widget class for the graphical user interface of the converter |
CCoupledCliController | Command line interface application controller |
CCsvExporter | Functions and data for CSV (comma-separated values) export of Sim objects |
CCsvFormat | CSV converter format specifications |
CCsvGzExporter | Functions and data for gzip'ed CSV (comma-separated values) export of Sim objects |
CCsvGzFormat | CSV gzipped converter format specifications |
CExporterFormat | Utility template for generating exporter formats |
CFileConversion | Manages file conversion operations specifications |
CFileConverterFormats | Bundles file converter formats specifications |
CFileViewer | Viewer that writes to file and needs to maintain some state info w.r.t |
CFileViewerPreferences | Preferences for a file viewer |
CGraphicsPreferences | Preferences for graphics viewer |
CHdf5Exporter | Functions and data for HDF5 export of Sim objects |
CHdf5File | Contains facilities for storing the simulation Mesh to HDF5 files |
CHdf5Format | Hdf5 converter format specifications |
CHdf5Viewer | Class definition for Hdf5Viewer |
CIConverterFormat | Interface for file convenvereter formats |
CLogViewer | A viewer that logs sim events to console |
CLogWindowViewer | A viewer that displays sim events in a log in a dock window |
CMeshDrawer | Class drawing a simulator/mesh onto a QGraphicsScene |
CNodeItem | Graphic wrapper for Node |
CPlyExporter | Functions and data for PLY export of Sim objects |
CPlyFormat | PLY converter format specifications |
CPreferencesObserver | Listener for SimShell::Event::MergedPreferencesChanged events |
CPTreeComparison | Collection of functions for recursively comparing ptrees, with some 'array' semantics applied |
CQtPreferences | Preferences for a graphic viewer |
CQtViewer | Graphical viewer showing the mesh at a certain simulation step |
CStepFilterProxyModel | Custom proxy model to filter a QStandardModel with file names with time steps |
CStepSelection | Class handling user input of ranges of steps |
CTextViewer | Viewer that periodically exports mesh to a text file, opening writing and closing the file again during a single export |
CTextViewerPreferences | Preferences for a text viewer |
CTimeStepPostfixFormat | Manages time labels int file names |
CVectorFormat | Vector graphics converter format specifications |
CVectorGraphicsExporter | Functions and data for PDF export of Sim objects |
CVectorGraphicsPreferences | Preferences for a graphic viewer |
CWallItem | WallItem shows transporter concentrations at one side of the wall |
CXmlExporter | Functions and data for XML export of Sim objects |
CXmlFormat | Xml converter format specifications |
CXmlGzExporter | Functions and data for gzip'ed XML export of Sim objects |
CXmlGzFormat | Xml gezipped converter format specifications |
►NSimPT_Sim | Namespace for the core simulator |
►NClockMan | Namespace for clock and timekeeping related classes |
CClockCLib | Clock based on C library clock_t clock() which returns an approximate processor time in ticks |
CClockTraits | Types related to timekeeping |
CCumulativeRecords | Utility class to record durations in a cumulative manner |
CIndividualRecords | Utility class to record durations |
CStopwatch | Provides a stopwatch interface to time: it accumulates time between start/stop pairs |
CTimeable | Utility class to for timing |
CTimeStamp | Provides wall-clock time stamp using the time call |
CUtils | Utilities to tag clocks and to reformat number of ticks to a string |
►NContainer | Namespace for container related classes |
►NImpl_ | Namespace for container implementation details |
CCircularIterator | Implementation of a circular iterator |
CSegmentedVector | Container that stores objects "almost contiguously" and guarantees that pointers/iterators are not invalidated when the container grows |
CSVIterator | Implementation of iterator for SegmentedVector |
►NEvent | Namespace event types raised by the simulator |
CCoupledSimEvent | An event transmitted by a Coupled Simulator |
CSimEvent | An event transmitted by a simulator |
►NRandomEngineType | Namespace for Types of random engines |
CInfo | Info |
►NUtil | Namespace for miscellaneous utilities |
CException | Extremely simple Exception root class |
CFunctionMap | A map to hold std::functions |
CPTreeFile | Utility interface for dealing with ptree xml or xml.gz files |
CPTreeUtils | A collection of functions for manipulating the structure of ptrees |
CRevisionInfo | Info on revision id and commit date |
CSubject | Subject in Observer pattern |
CSubject< E, std::weak_ptr< const void > > | Partial specialization for weak_ptr<void> key type |
CXmlWriterSettings | Settings for xml output of Property Trees (ptree) |
CAreaMoment | Structure with functionality for calculations of the area moment of inertia |
CAttributeContainer | Manages attributes |
CAttributeStore | Store and manage attributes |
CCBMBuilder | The Copy-Based Mesh Builder directs the Mesh building process using another mesh |
CCell | A cell contains walls and nodes |
CCellAttributes | Attributes of Cell |
CCellChemistryTag | Used in tag forwarding |
CCellColorTag | Used in tag forwarding |
CCellDaughtersTag | Used in tag forwarding |
CCellDivider | Class for handling cell division |
CCellHousekeeper | Class for handling maintenance of cell mechanics (cell housekeeping) |
CCellHousekeepTag | Used in tag forwarding |
CCellSplitTag | Used in tag forwarding |
CCellToCellTransportBoundaryTag | Used in tag forwarding |
CCellToCellTransportTag | Used in tag forwarding |
►CChainHull | Compute the convex hull of a set of two-dimensional points |
CPoint | Point class needed by 2D convex hull code |
CComponentFactoryBase | Interface for ComponentFactory |
CComponentFactoryProxy | Proxy for interaction with Component Factory of model families |
CComponentTraits | Primary template never gets instantiated |
CComponentTraits< CellChemistryTag > | Traits for CellChemistry components |
CComponentTraits< CellColorTag > | Traits for CellColor components |
CComponentTraits< CellDaughtersTag > | Traits for CellDaughters components |
CComponentTraits< CellHousekeepTag > | Traits for CellHousekeep components |
CComponentTraits< CellSplitTag > | Traits for CellSplit components |
CComponentTraits< CellToCellTransportBoundaryTag > | Traits for CellToCellTransportBoundaryTag components |
CComponentTraits< CellToCellTransportTag > | Traits for CellToCellTransport components |
CComponentTraits< DeltaHamiltonianTag > | Traits for DeltaHamiltonian components |
CComponentTraits< HamiltonianTag > | Traits for Hamiltonian components |
CComponentTraits< MoveGeneratorTag > | Traits for MoveGenerator components |
CComponentTraits< TimeEvolverTag > | Traits for TimeEvolver components |
CComponentTraits< WallChemistryTag > | Traits for WallChemistry components |
CCoreData | Core data with mesh, parameters, random engine and time data |
CCoupledSim | Coupled Simulator: multiple simulators and couplers |
CCouplerFactories | A coupler factory map that is used to register names for these couplers |
CCSRMatrix | Represents a binary matrix with n rows and m columns in a Compressed Sparse Row representation |
CDeltaHamiltonianTag | Used in tag forwarding |
CDurstenfeldShuffle | Generate a random permuted sequence of integers 0,1,..., n |
CEdge | An Edge connects two nodes and is ambidextrous |
CExchangeCoupler | ExchangeCoupler |
CGeoData | Plain data structure with cell geometric data (such as area) |
CGeom | Provides geometric functions |
CHamiltonianTag | Used in tag forwarding |
CICoupler | Interface for the classes coupling two parallel simulations |
CMBMBuilder | MBMBDirector directs the Mesh building process using a MeshState object |
CMesh | Structure of cells; key data structure |
CMeshCheck | Checks mesh concistency |
CMeshGeometry | Helper functions for mesh geometry |
CMeshState | Contains the state of the whole Mesh at a given simulation step |
CMeshTopology | Helper functions for mesh topology |
CMoveGeneratorTag | Used in tag forwarding |
CNeighborNodes | Structure of neighboring nodes: two neighboring nodes from standpoint of a given cell with an ordering "first" and "second" that corresponds with the node traversal order in that cell |
CNode | Node in cell wall |
CNodeAttributes | Attributes associated with a node |
CNodeInserter | Insertion of nodes in existing edges (contributes to the cell mechanics) |
►CNodeMover | Cell mechanics by displacement and insertion of nodes |
CMetropolisInfo | Information gathered to evaluat effects of Metropolis Algorithm |
CMoveInfo | Information related to (potential) move of a node in the mesh |
COdeintFactories0Map | Stores factory functions for odeint integrator |
COdeintFactories2Map | Stores factory functions for odeint integrator algorithm |
COdeintFactory0 | Produces factory function for odeint integrator algorithm |
COdeintFactory2 | Produces factory function for odeint integrator algorithm |
COdeintTraits | Contains an odeint system, a state and a solver for it |
CPBMBuilder | Class that directs ptree based mesh building process |
CPtreeTissueBuilder | Class directs ptree based tissue building process |
CRandomEngine | Creates a random generator based on a seed |
CSim | Simulator: mesh & parameters, model & algorithms |
CSimInterface | Simulator interface |
CSimState | Contains the state of the whole Simulator at a given simulation step |
CSimWrapper | Interface exposing the simulator to Java, Python, and C++ programs |
CSimWrapperResult | All exceptions must be dealt with internally, so each method returns an object of this type |
CSimWrapperResult< void > | Specialization of SimWrapperResult template for type void |
CTimeData | Time data: current simulated time, number of step in simulation history |
CTimeEvolverTag | Used in tag forwarding |
CTimeSlicer | Simulator: mesh & parameters, model & algorithms |
CTissue | Tissue data with mesh, cell attributes, node attributes and wall attributes |
CTransportEquations | Equations for reaction and transport processes |
CWall | A cell wall, runs between cell corner points and consists of wall elements |
CWallAttributes | Attributes associated with a wall |
CWallChemistryTag | Used in tag forwarding |
►NSimShell | Namespace for generic graphical shell for simulators |
►NGui | Namespace for graphical interface classes |
►NController | Namespace for controllers for App, Workspace, Project and Session |
CAppController | Main window of GUI |
CProjectController | Project controller |
CSessionController | Simple state machine with 3 states: "disabled", "enabled-not-running" and "enabled-running" |
CWorkspaceController | Controller for workspace |
►NProjectActions | Namespace for actions for project such as export, simulate, view |
CExportActions | For a given Session::ISession::ExportersType instance, generates a list of actions that will trigger file "Export" to happen |
CViewerActions | Given a so-called 'root' viewer instance, constructs a menu representing the hierarchical structure of viewers |
CCheckableTreeModel | A hierarchical tree-like model of checkable items |
CEnabledActions | Helper class to enable or disable a collection of QAction and QMenu objects at once |
CHasUnsavedChanges | Abstract class that represents the ability be in closed or opened state, and, if the latter, in clean or dirty state |
CHasUnsavedChangesDummy | Dummy UnsavedChanges class |
CHasUnsavedChangesPrompt | HasUnsavedChanges with the ability of displaying a "save-discard-cancel" dialog to the user before closing, if there are unsaved changes |
CIFactory | Factory for application-specific stuff in generic simshell GUI |
CIHasPTreeState | Interface for objects that have non-critical state (metadata) information representable as a ptree |
CLogWindow | A viewer that displays sim events in a log in a dock window |
CMyDockWidget | QDockWidget with methods to import/export widget layout (x,y,width, ...) in ptree format |
CMyFindDialog | Dialog window for searching strings |
CMyGraphicsView | Scrollable QGraphicsView with zoom functionality |
CMyTreeView | QTreeView with methods to import/export widget layout (x,y,width, ...) in ptree format |
CNewProjectDialog | Dialog that asks user about information for setting up a new project |
CPanAndZoomView | QGraphicsView with the ability to pan and zoom |
CPTreeContainer | For a given ptree, constructs PTreeMenu, QDockWidget, PTreeEditorWindow |
CPTreeContainerPreferencesObserver | PTreeContainer meant for displaying/editing preferences ptrees that can also be modified elsewhere in the code |
CPTreeEditorWindow | Small editor widget for a Boost Property Tree object |
CPTreeMenu | A menu reflecting the structure of a ptree |
►CPTreeModel | Qt model reflecting hierarchical structure of a ptree |
CEditDataCommand | Undo command that represents a single edit operation for a data value of PTreeModel |
CEditKeyCommand | Undo command that represents a single edit operation for a key value of PTreeModel |
CInsertRowsCommand | Undo command that represents a single insertion operation of rows into a PTreeModel |
CMoveRowsCommand | Undo command that represents a single move operation of rows inside a PTreeModel |
CRemoveRowsCommand | Undo command that represents a single removal operation of rows from a PTreeModel |
CPTreeView | TreeView widget that presents an editable ptree to the user |
CSaveChangesDialog | Dialog window that displays a tree of objects containing unsaved changes |
CViewerDockWidget | A dock widget containing visual output of a viewer |
CViewerWindow | A window containing visual output of a viewer |
CWorkspaceQtModel | Abstraction of workspace on the filesystem |
CWorkspaceView | TreeView widget that uses WorkspaceQtModel as a model |
►CWorkspaceWizard | A wizard that assists the user either specifying an existing workspace, or creating a new workspace |
CDonePage | |
CExistingPage | Page shown when user specified an existing workspace |
CInitPage | Page shown when user specified a path that doesn't contain a workspace already |
CPathPage | |
►NSession | Namespace for session classes |
►CISession | Generic session interface |
CExporterType | |
►NViewer | Namespace for viewer classes |
►NEvent | Namespace for session events |
CViewerEvent | An event transmitted by viewers to notify whether they are enabled or disabled |
CInitNotifier | |
CIViewerNode | Interface for a node in a hierarchical tree of viewers |
CIViewerNodeWithParent | A viewer node with a parent |
CRegister | |
CRegister< true > | |
CSubjectNode | A viewer node that does not represent a viewer at all |
CSubjectViewerNodeWrapper | |
Cviewer_is_subject | |
Cviewer_is_widget | |
CViewerNode | Template implementing a node in a hierarchical tree of viewers.Parameters: |
►NWs | Namespace for generic workspace classes |
►NEvent | Namespace for workspace events |
CMergedPreferencesChanged | |
CPreferencesChanged | Event used to inform some observer that preferences have changed |
CProjectChanged | Event used to inform some observer that a project has changed |
CWorkspaceChanged | Event used to inform some observer that the workspace has changed |
►NUtil | Namespace for workspace utilities |
CFileSystemWatcher | Utility class for being informed about changes to a file/directory on the filesystem |
CIFile | Interface for files in a project in a workspace |
CIPreferences | Interface expressing the ability of an object to have a ptree of preferences stored in it |
►CIProject | Interface for project-like behavior |
CWidgetCallback | |
CIUserData | Interface that expresses the ability to have user data, i.e |
►CIWorkspace | Interface for workspace-like behavior |
CProjectMapEntry | |
CIWorkspaceFactory | Interface for factories creating an application-specific workspace |
CMergedPreferences | Wrapper around workspace to have read and write access to merged (workspace + project) preferences |
CPreferences | Implementation of IPreferences |
CProject | Abstraction of project in workspace on file system |
CWorkspace | Abstraction of workspace on file system |
CInstallDirs | Install directories |
CPTreeQtState | Utility for representing state of various Qt widgets as a ptree |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Cenable_shared_from_this | See the online C++11 documentation |
Citerator | See the online C++11 documentation |
►NUA_CoMP | Namespace used by CoMP group of the Universiteit Antwerpen |
CPreferencesType | |
CQAbstractItemModel | See the online Qt documentation |
CQDialog | See the online Qt documentation |
CQDockWidget | See the online Qt documentation |
CQGraphicsEllipseItem | See the online Qt documentation |
CQGraphicsItem | See the online Qt documentation |
CQGraphicsItemGroup | See the online Qt documentation |
CQGraphicsLineItem | See the online Qt documentation |
CQGraphicsPathItem | See the online Qt documentation |
CQGraphicsPolygonItem | See the online Qt documentation |
CQGraphicsView | See the online Qt documentation |
CQMainWindow | See the online Qt documentation |
CQMenu | See the online Qt documentation |
CQMenuBar | See the online Qt documentation |
CQObject | See the online Qt documentation |
CQSortFilterProxyModel | See the online Qt documentation |
CQTcpServer | See the online Qt documentation |
CQTreeView | See the online Qt documentation |
CQUndoCommand | See the online Qt documentation |
CQWidget | See the online Qt documentation |
CQWizard | See the online Qt documentation |
CQWizardPage | See the online Qt documentation |